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Hospital Staff

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Staff Physicians...

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At Patients' Hospital of Redding, we have a high nurse to patient ratio. This will ensure that your nurse is available when you need them. All of our nurses are certified in Advance Cardiac Life Support.

Other staff available to meet your needs include: Social Services, Pastoral Services, Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Discharge Planning, Radiology and Laboratory.

A member of our dietary staff is available throughout the day to offer refreshments and assist in meal planning.

Our discharge nurse will help you make a smooth transition from hospital to home. She will assist you in planning and organizing your home care needs.

Your care does not stop when you are discharged. Our nursing staff will telephone you at home to monitor your progress and answer any questions you may have.



Justin Olds—Administrator: Justin oversees all departments and the 24 hour/7 day week operation of the hospital.


Medical Staff: Cynthia Masters manages the medical staff function and handles all paperwork for physicians to be approved to do surgery at PHR.


Health Information Management: Sally Tenney, RHIT manages this department and oversees all the medical records for the hospital. 


Human Resources: Sherry Rynearson is responsible for the Human Resources department which handles recruiting, hiring, benefits, and workers' compensation.


Business Office: Jennifer Steele is responsible for the Business Office which handles all accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and billing.


Materials Manager: Jeff Sellers is in charge of Materials Management and oversees ordering supplies and making sure the appropriate instruments are ready for each surgery.


OR Scheduling: Sally Tenney works in Health Information Management and is the primary contact for OR scheduling.





Director of Patient Care Services: Ashley Thibodeau, RN is responsible for the organization and management of all nursing services including the OR, Recovery Room, PAR II and the Med/Surg floor.


Patient Care Manager: Christine Anderson, RN manages nurse scheduling and day to day Med/Surg issues.


Discharge Planning/Pharmacy: Shiree Hahn, LVN coordinates with nursing staff to ensure that any discharge planning needs are met. Shiree is responsible for ordering and stocking our pharmaceuticals.


Employee Health: Christine Anderson, RN is responsible for monitoring, evaluating and coordinating the hospitals’ employee health program.


Infection Prevention: Christine Anderson, RN who ensures hospital compliance with National Patient Safety Goals to prevent infection within our hospital.




Dietary: Kevin Shadish is the chef in charge of our Food Services Department.


Environmental Services: Jacob Parker is in charge of Environmental Services and Facility Management. He is also our Safety Officer.


Lab Services: Patty Olson  oversees and directs the Clinical Laboratory. 


Reception: Caitlin France is PHR's receptionist. Patients and visitors are given a warm welcome and directed as appropriate.


Utilization Review: Patricia W.  handles the process of working with insurance companies to obtain approval for the length of a patient's stay. Patricia is also responsible for performance improvement. Patricia also serves as the hospital's HIPAA/Privacy officer.




Chief of Staff: Dr. James Tate, a neurosurgeon, is Chief of Staff and the owner of the hospital.


Chief of Internal Medicine: Dr. Than Aung


Chief of Surgery: Dr. Randy Tate